Personal training

1:1 boxing and fitness training for all ages and abilities. Train at my facility, or I can come to you.


Training with me

  • Everyone welcome

    Boxing training is for everyone. I work with people of all ages and abilities. I have trained children as young as 6 to adults in their 70s. Whoever you are, I can tailor a programme for you.

  • Boxing skills

    Training is non-contact, but I coach solid boxing technique. You will learn punches, defences, footwork and ring craft. Blending this into boxing drills is fun and addictive.

  • Boxing fitness

    Pads and bag work provide an excellent cardio workout. I can supplement this with functional strength and conditioning relative to your fitness level and goals.

  • Find out about yourself

    Boxing training helps you to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I call this ‘useful adversity’. I can help you test the boundaries of your comfort zone in a safe environment.

  • Common-sense coaching

    Coaching is a partnership. I am not a screamer or shouter. There is a big difference between motivating and haranguing. I will always put your welfare and longevity first.

  • Training with a smile

    Sometimes it’s easy to forget why we do this. Improvement is the end goal, but having fun and enjoying training is vital to success. I’m a big believer in putting smiles on faces.

Give me 12 rounds

You will work for 12 x 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest in between.

You will learn:

  • stance and guard

  • footwork

  • my bespoke pad system

  • punch technique

  • defence

  • counter attack

  • ring craft

  • how to use boxing equipment

  • strength and conditioning (optional)

You will improve:

  • cardiovascular fitness

  • strength and muscle-tone

  • coordination

  • reactions

  • physical and mental agility

  • spatial awareness

  • well-being and confidence

  • longevity

  • resilience

Case studies

So, who’s in?

Train with me at my facility, or I can come to you.